Husky Tunes Blog
2023-02-16 17:30 Клипы

Emo punk that brings you back to life

Imagine you were ill for weeks, months or even years. Not necessary ill in a medical way, sometimes you just feel bad and there is no escape.
There is a type of music that can bring you back to life. Something imbued of live guitars, husky vocals and living energy running as a wild current, even if the track is slow.

August Brodie was presented to our small one-man editorial A LOT of time ago — kinda eighteen months ago. Then it got lost in our blog's collection and became a nice rarity that is astounding to rediscover. Now it's time to share with you.

That is exactly that type of music that brings you back to life — just trust a person who was ill for few weeks and now is rediscovering the life in all its colors. Guitar-driven and emotional, August Brodie's music takes a worthy place somewhere among the other emo artists you should know.

I especially love one sentence from August's press release: "these are songs I can picture fans screaming back at me in some low key bar packed to the nines". Sounds as a 00-s teenage dream, at least it could be mine too.
There is not a lot of music videos at August's YouTube channel, and the existing ones are are not super-glossy yet fair and real. This music creates the feels of nostalgia and youth, it's a bit raw and husky, but extremely friendly.
Some of tracks are tremendously danceable as this one:
There is also an old video with nice VHS aesthetics shot somewhere in Canada, but it looks like as if it's from a forest where I spent my childhood near my hometown in Russia. Some landscapes are very similar to each other, no matter what country you were born in.